Winterthur Program in American Material Culture Theses, 1953-Present

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  • denotes E. McClung Fleming Thesis Prize Winner
    • denotes honorable mention

(1996 – Present)


  • Ahlborn, Richard E. Spanish colonial woodcarving in New Mexico, 1598-1848. 1958.
  • Alevizatos, Alexandra A. "Procured of the best and most fashionable materials": the furniture and furnishings of the Lloyd family, 1750-1850. 1999.
  • Alexander, Eleanor. A uniquely American watering hole: the drugstore fountain at the turn of the century. 1986.
  • Alexander, S. Tiernan. It stains the tablecloth : the persistence and evolution of manchamanteles. 2014.
  • Ames, Alexander Lawrence. Heavenly handwriting, teutonic type : faith and script in German Pennsylvania, ca. 1683-1855. 2014. [Honorable mention, E. McClung Fleming Thesis Prize]
  • Anderson, Erin Lorraine. Nature on display: the Wagner Free Institute of Science, 1855-1900. 2020.
  • Anderson, Hilary. Earning a living in eighteenth century Boston: silversmith Zachariah Brigden. 1996.
  • Anderson-Lawrence, Jennifer. The Colonial Revival at Cliveden. 1991.
  • Andreadis, Timothy. Parke Edwards and Bryn Athyn Cathedral (1913-1929): a case study of Monel metalwork in machine-age America. 2012.
  • Appleby, Mary E. The Gorham Company's Martele line of silver: an analysis of the consumer and commercial strategy of the company. 1998.
  • Armandroff, Olivia. Drawing for an audience of one: art in Muriel Draper's archives. 2020.
  • Arthur, Catherine Rogers. Potthast Bros., Inc.: Baltimore furniture craftsmen, 1892-1975. 1999.
  • Asbury, Rachel. Tin can tell-all : a history of the tomato canning industry in Virginia's Bedford and Botetourt Counties. 2018.
  • Avery, Kayle. History as database: bioshock and the new design source. 2021.
  • Ayres, William S. "A poor sort of heaven, a good sort of earth": the Rose Valley arts and crafts experiment, 1901-1910. 1982.


  • Bach, Emily. "Compelled to pad and wad": spinal curvatures and dress in nineteenth-century America. 2022. [Honorable mention, E. McClung Fleming Thesis Prize]
  • Bacon, John Mark. Delaware Valley slatback chairs: a formal and analytical survey. 1991.
  • Baerman, Brooke. "New order from your hand, new lustre from your eye": the art, craft, and science of the Philadelphia shellwork grottos. 2019
  • Bahnemann, Greta L. George Maher's Rockledge: a study in architecture, patronage, and consumption. 1994.
  • Baker, Gary Everett. The flint glass industry in Wheeling, West Virginia, 1829-1865. 1986.
  • Barnes, Jairus B. Brownwood, a federal house in the Western Reserve. 1969.
  • Barquist, David Lawrence. The meaning of taste for wealthy Philadelphians, 1750-1800. 1991.
  • Barrett, Justina C. William Penn's chair and George Washington's hair : the political and commercial meanings of objects at the Philadelphia Great Central Fair, 1864. 2005
  • Beasley, Ellen. Samuel Williamson, Philadelphia silversmith, 1794-1813. 1964.
  • Beckham, Kathryn A. "The Gate City": artistry and identity in an American historical. 2006.
  • Beels, Jessica H. "I hate pretty work": Madeline Yale Wynne and the American craft revival. 1995.
  • Bell, Nicholas Robin. Small Consolations: Miniature Architecture of Memory in Contemporary American Art. 2008.
  • Belolan, Nicole. "The blood of murdered time": Berlin wool work in America, 1840-1865. 2009.
  • Bennett, Justyce. Crucian confusion: memory-making on the island of St. Croix. 2021.
  • Bensch, Christopher Lynn. Cincinnati's Centennial Exposition and the Circus. 1981.
  • Berg, Ariel. Perceiving and resisting: the negotiations of art and photography at the Tanforan Assembly Center. 2012. [Honorable mention, E. McClung Fleming Thesis Prize]
  • Berlekamp, Linda Baumgarten. The Textile Trade in Boston, 1650-1700. 1976.
  • Bernabo, Russell Paul. Henry Francis du Pont's interior design aesthetic and Winterthur's Flock Room. 1989.
  • Berndt, Sarah. "When science strikes the kitchen, it strikes home" : the influence of Sarah Tyson Rorer in the progressive era kitchen, 1880-1915. 2017.
  • Bertrand, Rebecca J. Myth and memory: the legacy of the John Hancock house. 2010.
  • Bizier, Karen. Silver or scarcity: the material culture of early nineteenth century Fairfax County, Virginia. 1989.
  • Blackmore, Lydia. Objects for president! Campaign material culture and populist politics, 1828-1848. 2013.
  • Boettcher, Hannah. Mary Custis Lee unpacks the Washington relics : a revolutionary inheritance in museums, 1901-1918. 2016.
  • Bogansky, Amy E. The devil's servants: satire in Colonial America and the visual language of conflict. 2006. [Honorable mention, E. McClung Fleming Thesis Prize]
  • Bonanno, Katie Lynn. Ecology in print : publishing Picturesque California, 1887-1976. 2016. [Honorable mention, E. McClung Fleming Thesis Prize]
  • Borchert, Carol E. [SEE: Cadou, Carol Borchert.]
  • Borkan, Christine Edwards. Ohio choices: wall stenciling in the Western Reserve before 1860. 1990.
  • Brandt, Tova Karissa. The sheet music collection of Eliza Ridgely, 1808-1867. 2001. [Winner, E. McClung Fleming Thesis Prize]
  • Brandt, Trevor Carl. Perplexion and pleasure : the Geistlicher Irrgarten broadsides in the German-American printshop, home, and mind. 2017. [Winner, E. McClung Fleming Thesis Prize]
  • Bray, Derin Tyler. Urban Craft in Rural Massachusetts: The Weymouth Cabinetmaking Shop of Abiel White, 1790-1851. 2006.
  • Bresnan, Lauren L. The Beekman's of New York: material possession and social progression. 1996.
  • Briceno, Noel Fahden. The Chinoiserie Revival in Early Twentieth-Century American Interiors. 2008.
  • Brincat, Lauren Holly. John Bowne's Flushing : material life on a Dutch frontier, 1645-1700. 2014.
  • Brocklebank, Lynn A. Wilmington, Delaware Tall Case Clocks, 1740-1840. 1991.
  • Brooks, Bradley C. The Social Functions of Alcohol in Eighteenth Century Maryland. 1987.
  • Brouwer, Louisa Elena. "At the plume of feathers": Susanna Passavant and the jewelry trade of eighteenth-century London and abroad. 2011.
  • Brown, Margaret A. Ambition in brick: the William Brown House, 1758-1785. 1984.
  • Brown, Michael Kevin. Duncan Phyfe. 1978.
  • Brown, Robert Frank. Front Street, New Castle, Delaware, Architecture & Building Practices, 1687-1859. 1961.
  • Brownell, Charles E. In the American Style of Italian: The E. C. Hitchfield Villa. 1970.
  • Brucken, Carolyn E. Victorian privacy: an analysis of bedrooms in American middle-class homes from 1850-1860. 1991.
  • Brunk, Andrew J. "To Fix the Taste of Our Country Properly": the French style in Philadelphia Interiors, 1788-1800. 2000.
  • Buchanan, Melissa D. "Fairy habitations of the mimic city": Sacred Victorian Cottages at Chester Heights Camp Meeting. 2005.
  • Buchbinder, Alison H. "Through the Looking Glass": Magical and Misused Objects in Nineteenth Century Children's Literature. 2008.
  • Budzyn, Kate Burnett. Fleshlings: lost bodystockings at the birth of twentieth-century dress. 2019. [Winner, E. McClung Fleming Thesis Prize]
  • Buggeln, Gretchen T. [SEE: Townsend, Gretchen C.]
  • Burch, Abby. "By His Account Rendered": The Business of Cabinetmaking in York County, Maine, 1815-1840. 2008.
  • Burton, Benet. Insidiously sophisticated: from blackface to blackfishing. 2021.
  • Busch, Jason T. "Such a paradise can be made on earth": furniture patronage and consumption in antebellum Natchez, Mississippi, 1828-1863. 1998.
  • Butler, Joseph Thomas. Wheatland, 1848-1868: the home of James Buchanan. 1957.
  • Butler, Patrick Henry. On the memorial art of tidewater Virginia, 1650-1775. 1969.
  • Butler, William J. H. Another city upon a hill: Litchfield, Connecticut and the Colonial Revival. 1983.
  • Byrd, Dana Ellen. The paradox of good intentions: John Needles, cabinetmaker in antebellum Baltimore. 2005. [Winner, E. McClung Fleming Thesis Prize]


  • Cadou, Carol Borchert. The inventory of Lucretia Constance Radcliffe: the material world of elites in federal period Charleston. 1996. [Winner, E. McClung Fleming Thesis Prize]
  • Caldwell, Desiree. Germanic influences on Philadelphia early Georgian seating furniture. 1985.
  • Calvert, Karin Lee Fishbeck. The perception of childhood in America, 1670-1870. 1979.
  • Candeto, Candice Roland. The shop of Robert Stewart : work and wealth in the antebellum Natchez furniture trade. 2018.
  • Cantor, Jay E. The public architecture of James Renwick, Jr. 1967.
  • Caputo, Cara. Private estates for the public: the management and interpretation of American country houses as public-facing properties. 2021.
  • Carlisle, Nancy Camilla. A reflection of the times: the looking glass in the eighteenth century America. 1983.
  • Carr, Dennis Andrew. Optical machines, prints and gentility in early America. 1999.
  • Carson, Barbara L. [SEE: Gilbert, Barbara F.]
  • Carson, Cary. Settlement patterns and vernacular architecture in seventeenth century Tidewater, Virginia. 1969.
  • Carter, Sarah A. Reflecting self-image : "Girlhood" interiors 1875-1910. 2004.
  • Cassidy, Anne Ricard. Furniture in upstate New York, 1760-1840: the Glen-Saunders collection. 1981.
  • Castrodale, Anne. Daniel Trotter, Philadelphia cabinetmaker. 1962.
  • Catalano, Kathleen Matilda. Cabinet making in Philadelphia, 1820-1840. 1972.
  • Caton, Mary Anne. "Proof of good intention": modernization at James T. Mullin and Sons, Wilmington, Delaware, 1900-1930. 1993.
  • Cayford, Jane Louise. The Sullivan-Door House in Providence, Rhode Island. 1961.
  • Chase, Juliet B. Keeping up appearances: furnishings of American embassies in Europe. 1996.
  • Cheek, Mary M. The cooperative venture of the Union Glass Works, Kensington, Pennsylvania, 1826-1842. 1995.
  • Clark, Raymond B., Jr. Jonathan Gostelowe (1744-1795): Philadelphia cabinetmaker. 1956.
  • Cline, Emily C. Fashioning Quaker identity: nineteenth-century women's clothing in the Friends' Historical Association collection. 2005.
  • Clowes, Jody Elizabeth. An inquisition of deposition: late eighteenth century ceramics from two Wilmington, Delaware archaeological sites. 1988.
  • Clunie, Margaret Burke. Salem federal furniture, vols. 1-2. 1976.
  • Coffey, Rachel. Negotiating tradition and technology: Benziger Brother's trade catalogues of church goods, 1879-1937. 2001.
  • Cohen, Kenneth. Billiards in American culture, 1660-1860. 2002.
  • Cogswell, Elizabeth Wayland Agee. The Henry Lippitt House: a document of life and taste in mid-Victorian America. 1981.
  • Cole, Maureen O'Brien. James Akin, engraver and social critic. 1967.
  • Cole, Wilford P. Henry Hawkins, engraver. 1966.
  • Colman, Benjamin. Recalling the past: memories and antiquarian objects in the former Plymouth colony, 1692-1824. 2012.
  • Combs, Amber Auld. Henry Chapman Mercer and the furniture of Fonthill. 1998.
  • Connolly, Marguerite Alexandra. Dressing for the occasion: the differentiation of women's costume in America, 1770-1910. 1988.
  • Conradsen, David H. Ease and economy: the Hancocks and the development of spring-seat upholstery in America. 1998.
  • Cooke, Edward Strong, Jr. The selective taste: furniture in Stratford, Connecticut, 1740-1800. 1979.
  • Cooney, Alice Knotts Bossert. Ornamental painting in Boston, 1790-1830. 1978.
  • Cooper, Wendy A. The furniture and furnishings of John Brown, merchant of Providence, 1736-1803. 1971.
  • Corrigan, Karina. Edith Blake Brown and the rise of professional interior design. 2001.
  • Cottrell, Robert Curtice. Town planning in New Castle, Delaware, 1797-1838. 1981.
  • Coutin, Talia S. Victor/Victoria : bicycles, advertising, and the limits of heteronormativity : Will H. Bradley's graphic designs for Overman Wheel Co. 2016.
  • Cox, Jonathan P. Woodworkers in Allentown, Salisbury Township, and Whitehall Township, Pennsylvania, 1753-1805: a study of community and craft. 1982.
  • Cox, Ruth Yvonne. Textiles used in Philadelphia, 1760-1775. 1960.
  • Creer, Doris Jean. Thomas Birch: a study of the condition of painting and the artist's position in federal America. 1958.
  • Croft, Catherine F. A. British architectural criticism of the 1930s: reactions to modernism. 1991.
  • Cross, Jody E. "That which she calls her own": gender and material culture in early Philadelphia wills. 2001.
  • Curtis, Philip H. Tucker porcelain, 1826-1838. 1972.
  • Cyr, Catherine. "Headin' upta camp": defining the vernacular architecture and historical significance of Maine camps. 2022.


  • Dangremond, David W. The Highlands: the country seat of Anthony Morris. 1981.
  • Dann, Catharine Christie. "Governments, individuals and old houses": the slate roof house of Philadelphia. 2000.
  • Davis, Emily Elizabeth. The pottery notebook of Maude Robinson: a woman's contribution to art pottery manufacture, 1903-1909. 2008.
  • Davis, John D. The evolution of the early American silver spoon, ca. 1650-ca.1850. 1962.
  • Davis, Kathryn Jo. Warne and Letts stoneware: a case study in ceramic interpretation. 1988.
  • Degn, Amber Elizabeth. "Houses from the Reservoirs of Memory": G. Edward Brumbaugh and the restoration of early Pennsylvania architecture. 2000. [Winner, E. McClung Fleming Thesis Prize]
  • Deitz, Lois A. John Fanning Watson: looking ahead with a backwards glance. 2004.
  • Delisle, Steve. Read my gorget: transformations in the utility of gorgets in North America from insignia of rank to symbols of diplomacy and presentation objects and the enigma of the "Otsiquette Gorget". 2008. [Winner, E. McClung Fleming Thesis Prize]
  • Delphia, Rachel E. Design to enable the body: Thomas Lamb's wedge-lock handle, 1941-1962. 2005.
  • Demer, John H. Jedediah North's tinner's tool business. 1973.
  • Denbar, Cheryl Irene. Affectionate remembrances: Abby Rockefeller, Lucy Truman Aldrich, and the case for cooperative collecting. 2001.
  • Denker, Ellen Paul. "Forever getting up something new": the Kirkpatrick's pottery at Anna, Illinois, 1859-1896. 1978.
  • Dennis, Gail Lorene. American factory-made parlor suites. 1982.
  • DeNood, Lavinia. The Thomas Kennedy House near Paris, Kentucky: analysis, context, and restoration. 1984.
  • Dependahl, Deborah Louise. John Fanning Watson, historian, 1779-1860. 1971.
  • DeSilva, Ronald Anthony. William James Bennett: painter and engraver. 1970.
  • Deutsch, Alexandra. George Christian Gebelein: the craft and business of a "modern Paul Revere". 1995.
  • Dickinson, Alice Webb. Silver bought and sold: A.B. Griswold & Co. and the legacy of northeastern silver in New Orleans. 2012.
  • Dickinson, Cynthia S. Creating a world of books, friends, and flowers: gift books in America, 1825-1860. 1995.
  • Dietz, Ulysses Grant. The decorative lighting devices of Dietz and Company of New York, 1840-1975. 1980.
  • Disviscour, Jeannine A. Treen in Chester County, Pennsylvania, 1683-1787: a contextual analysis. 1991.
  • Donaghy, Elisabeth. Pierre Eugene Du Simitiere, unsuccessful civil and natural historian in revolutionary America. 1970.
  • Donnis, Erica H. The conception of a country residence: Shelburne House, 1887-1900. 1998.
  • Dorsey, Samantha Hall. "For Neatness, True Fitting, Shape and Fashion": the craft and consumption of stays in eighteenth century America. 2008.
  • Doud, Richard Keith. John Hesselius: his life and work. 1963.
  • Douglas, Diane Miriam. A semiotic approach to meaning in historical archaeology: examining ceramics from a Wilmington, Delaware site. 1982.
  • Duffy, Rebecca. The Age of aquaria : the aquarium pursuit and personal fish-keeping, 1850-1920. 2018. [Honorable mention, E. McClung Fleming Thesis Prize]


  • Ebel, Sarah C. Selling and stereoscopy: reading "A Visit to Sears, Roebuck & Co." 2007.
  • Edmonson, Patricia K. The tension between art and industry: the Art-in-Trades Club of New York, 1906-1935. 2008.
  • Ehninger, Jillian. "With the richest ornaments just imported from France": ornamental hardware on Boston, New York and Philadelphia furniture, 1880-1840. 1993.
  • Eisenbarth, Erin E. Plain and peculiar: a case study of nineteenth-century Quaker clothing. 2002. [Winner, E. McClung Fleming Thesis Prize]
  • Eldredge, Jessica June. "In themselves a textile museum": the formation of the textile collection of the H.F. du Pont Winterthur Museum. 1999.
  • Ellesin, Dorothy Elaine. Woodlawn Plantation. 1968.
  • Elliott, Mary Jane. Lexington, Kentucky, 1792-1820: the Athens of the West. 1973.
  • Elterich, Allison Wehr. "For private Families, put up in the compleatest manner, with ample directions": domestic medicine chests. 2000.
  • Emery, Caitlin M. Colonial lineage and cultural fusion: family identity and progressive design in the Kingscote dining room. 2009.
  • Engimann, Melissa E. Putting historic preservation into practice: the friends of the Caleb Pusey House, Inc. and the twentieth-century restoration of a seventeenth-century Pennsylvania home. 2006.
  • Erbes, Scott Steven. The ready-cut dream: the mail order house catalogs of the Aladdin Company, 1906- 1990. 1990.
  • Erby, Adam Thomas. Contract and lawsuits: building Wakefield Plantation in St. Francisville, Louisiana 1834-1837. 2013.
  • Ermenec, Christine. Farmers and aesthetes: a social history of the Cornish Art Colony and its relationship with the town of Cornish, New Hampshire, 1885-1930. 1981.
  • Ernay, Renee Lynn. The Revere Furnace, 1787-1800. 1989.
  • Eskridge, Caryne A. "Deep investigations of science and exquisite refinements of taste": The objects and institutional furniture of early historical societies and repositories in eastern Massachusetts. 2013.
  • Ettema, Michael John. Technological innovation and design economics in American furniture manufacture of the nineteenth century. 1981.
  • Evans, Nancy Goyne. [SEE: Goyne, Nancy Ann]


Failey, Dean Frederick. Elias Pelletreau, Long Island silversmith. 1971.

Fairbanks, Jonathan. John Notman, church architect. 1961.

Fales, Martha Gandy.

 See Gandy, Martha F.
    • Falk, Cynthia G.

Evidence of ethnicity and status in the architectural landscape of eighteenth century Coventry Township, Chester County, Pennsylvania. 1996.

Fanelli, Doris Devine. The building and furniture trades in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, 1750-1800. 1979.

  • Fayen, Sarah N.

Tilt-top tables: commodities in eighteenth-century America. 2002.

Federhen, Deborah Anne. Paul Revere, silversmith: a study of his shop operation and his objects. 1988.

Fennimore, Donald L. Elegant patterns of uncommon good taste: domestic silver by Thomas Fletcher and Sidney Gardiner. 1971.

Findlen, Suzanne Rae. Taste and choice in early Portsmouth, N.H. as seen through ceramic archaeological evidence, 1700-1860. 2001.

Finkel, Susan Ruth. Victorian photography and carte de visite albums, 1860-1880. 1984.

Fitzgerald, Katharine Frances, Times of the trade : marine chronomater use in nineteenth-century America. 2019

    • Fitzgerald, Michelle.

Confiscating the castle : the construction of loyalist identity in Governor Robert Eden's Annapolis house. 2017.

Fitzpatrick, Margaret Mary. Forty Acres, a New England homestead and its owners, 1752-1814. 1976.

Fletcher, Laurel. Nostalgia and Pragmatism: Dioramas of the Montana Historical Society. 2008.

Forman, Benno M. The seventeenth century case furniture of Essex County, Massachusetts and its makers. 1968.

Fowble, Eleanore McSherry. A century of the nude in American art, 1750-1850. 1967.

    • Frang, Joanna F.

Image and object 19th century American collections of East Indian paintings on mica. 2003.

Freece, Hannah. The gift of a museum to a museum: Elizabeth Day McCormack's textile collection at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. 2011.

Freeman, John Crosby. Forgotten rebel: Gustav Stickley. 1964.

Friedman, Maxine Carol. Home, home, sweet, sweet home: the trade cards of the New Home Sewing Machine Company. 1984.

  • Frydman, Tess.

America's bloody history : menstruation management in the mid-nineteenth century. 2018.

Fuchs, Ronald W. "A Venice glass of sack": elite dining in seventeenth century Virginia. 1996.


Gadsden, Eleanore Parker. From traditional cabinetmaking to entrepreneurial production: David Evans (1748-1819). 2000.

Gallagher, Jennie N. The work of little hands : handicraft instruction books in the collection of the Winterthur Library. 2005.

Gandy, Martha Lou. Joseph Richardson, Quaker silversmith. 1954.

Garcia, Rebecca J. Pigments and pianos : painter and varnisher Lyman White. 2007.

Garfinkel, Susan Laura. Discipline, discourse and deviation: the material life of Philadelphia Quakers. 1986.

Garrett, Elizabeth W. Entertainment of the most beautiful kind : the house of William and Harriet Aiken. 2005.

Garrett, Wendell Douglas. The Newport Rhode Island interior, 1780-1800. 1957.

Garrison, Nancy Lee. The transformation of a country house: the Grange Estate, 1700-1850. 1989.

Garvin, James L. Bradbury Johnson, builder-architect. 1969.

Gevalt, Emelie L. Revisiting Taunton : Robert Crosman, Esther Stevens Brazer, and the changing interpretations of Taunton chests. 2017.

Gibson, Gayle. The early career of William C. Pahlmann, 1936-1942. 1990.

Gibson, Heather. Embroidered history and familiar patterns : textiles as expressions of Hmong and Mennonite lives. 2006.

Gilbert, Barbara L. American crewel-work, 1700-1850. 1965.

Gilborn, Craig A. The literary work of the Reverend Samuel Davies. 1961.

    • Giles, Leah.

Entertaining a new republic: music and the women of Washington, 1800-1825. 2011.

Gilruth, Mary Marjorie. The importation of English earthenware into Philadelphia, 1770-1800. 1964.

    • Giordano, Megan M.

Artistry and industry in cast iron: Batsto Furnace, 1766-1840. 2005.

Giuriceo, Judy M. "This city by the sea": recreation and re-creation at South Beach, Staten Island, 1886-1898. 1994.

Gleason, Jude C. A house in a most singular style: John Penn's The Solitude. 2002.

Gleason, Tara Louise. From goldsmith to merchant: the craft and commerce of Benjamin Greene. 1996.

Glesmann, Amanda J. Sentimental journey: envisioning the American past in George Henry Boughton's Pilgrims going to church. 2002.

Gobrecht, Larry E. Edward Nathaniel Parker Wills: in search of the suburban ideal. 1980.

Goodman, Rhonda Christina. Denmark Vesey and the slave insurrection trial narratives: the African-American social landscape of antebellum Charleston, South Carolina. 2000.

Goodyear, Frank H., Jr. The life and art of Thomas Doughty. 1969.

Gordon, Carol Emily. The Skidmore House: an aspect of the Greek Revival in New York. 1978.

  • Gossen, Anne.

Layers of meaning in a Kwakiuth potlatch figure. 2003.

Goyne, Nancy Ann. Furniture craftsmen in Philadelphia, 1760-1780. 1963.

Granston, David W., III. A Story of sunshine and shadow : Elizabeth Colt and the crafting of the Colt legacy in Hartford / by David W. Granston, III. 2016.

Gray, Thomas Alexander. Graylyn, a Norman Revival estate in North Carolina. 1974.

Greene, Leslie A. Irving A. Lyon, 1840-1896: founder of American furniture history. 1981.

Greenlaw, Barry Arthur. Michele Felice Corne. 1958.

Gregory, Stacia G. The elements of consumption: tea and table wares in Baltimore County, Maryland before and after the Revolution. 1987.

Greif, Carrie Leigh. Unity by design : midcentury modernism at Winterthur. 2019.

  • Griffin, Amy H.

George Clarke and the furnishing of Hyde Hall, 1806-1835. 2016.

Groff, John Marshall. Green country towns: the development of Philadelphia's Main Line, 1870-1915. 1981.

Gross, Katherine Wood. The source of furniture sold in Savannah, 1789-1815. 1967.

Gruber, Anna. The archaeology of Mr. Jefferson's slaves. 1990.

Guest, Raechel A. Victorian scrapbooks and the American middle class. 1996.

Guillen, Nalleli. For the tourists' gaze and imagination: images of San Antonio's late nineteenth-century market culture. 2011.

Guffin, Robert A. "The satisfaction of arriving to a good market": Richard Vaux and the eighteenth century world of trade. 1991.

  • Guston, Judith Marla.

The almanacs of Michael Gratz: time, community and Jewish identity in eighteenth century Philadelphia. 1999.


Haas, Katherine H. The fabric of religion : vestments and devotional Catholicism in nineteenth-century America. 2004.

Hack, Sheryl N. Collective identity and sacred space: a study of seven Zen communities in northern California. 1989.

  • Halbert, Philippe Langellier Bellevue.

Power houses : furnishing authority in New France. 2014.

Haley, Jill. "I can live no longer here": Elizabeth Wirt's decision to buy a new house. 1995.

Hall, Elton Wayland. Sailmaking in Connecticut prior to 1860. 1968.

Hammell, Peter Herbert. Images of the American Indian reflected in prints, 1830-1860. 1978.

Hammell, Rebecca Jordan. To educate and amuse: paper dolls and toys, 1640-1900. 1988.

    • Hammond, Jennifer Jo.

"Novelty in entertaining...easily and artistically arranged": middle-class women and themed parties in America, 1880-1915. 1997.

Hand, Lindsley E. William C. Hunneman (1769-1856): Boston coppersmith, brass founder, and entrepreneur. 1998.

Hansen, Heather Nicole. The quest for quercitron: revealing the story of a forgotten dye. 2011.

Hanson, Frederick Banfield. The interior architecture and household furnishings of Bergen County, New Jersey. 1959.

Hardwick, M. Jeff. Homesteads and bungalows, African American architecture in Langston, Oklahoma. 1994.

Harrison, Stephen G. Furniture trade in New Orleans, 1840-1880: the largest assortment constantly on hand. 1997.

Hawes, Douglas F. Earthenware production in the rural north, 1830-1860: an account book study. 1995.

Hawkins, Harriette Claire. Icons in the wilderness: the Anglican churches of rural South Carolina. 1983.

Hawley, Henry Houston. Charles Buschor, designer and manufacturer of furniture and interior decoration. 1960.

Hayden, Philip A. The cow and the calf : evolution of farmhouses in Hopewell Township, Mercer County, New Jersey, 1720-1820. 1992.

Hayward, Mary Ellen. The Elliots of Philadelphia: emphasis on the looking glass trade, 1755-1810. 1971.

Heckscher, Morrison H. The organization and practice of Philadelphia cabinetmaking establishments, 1790-1920. 1964.

Heindl, Brenda Hornsby. Pottery and piety : a reassessment of the potters and pottery of Moravian Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, 1743-1768. 2010.

Hendrick, Robert E. P. John Gaines II and John Gaines I, "turners", of Ipswich, Massachusetts. 1964.

Hern, Mary Ellen Wisniewski. Pic-nic. 1987.

Herrick, Pamela. Reconstructing the social and architectural landscape of Southwark, Philadelphia, 1795-1800. 1991.

Herrin, Dean Andrew. From cabin to camp: southern mountaineers and the coal town of Stonega, Virginia. 1984.

Herron, Kristin Stacy. Destined to be forgotten: souvenirs of American worlds' fairs, 1853-1883. 1993.

Higgins, Lily. "A new and stranger sight" : allegory, emblems, and interactive images in a seventeenth century Puritan toy book. 2015.

Hill, John Henry. The furniture craftsmen in Baltimore, 1783-1823. 1967.

Hobbs, Matthew Wallace. Complex networks in Colonial Northeastern North Carolina. 1999.

Hoberg, Perry F. Washington Allston: biography of an aesthetic experience. 1965.

Hofer, Margaret K. The Tory joiner of Middleborough, Massachusetts: Simon Doggett and his community, 1762-1792. 1991.

Honda, Margaret Miya. Found technology: the art fabrication business of Jack Brown. 1991.

Hooper, Rosalie K. Out of the shade : uncovering the manufacture and use of umbrellas and parasols, 1830-1850. 2016.

Hosley, William Newell. Architecture and society of the urban frontier: Windsor, Vermont, 1798-1820. 1981.

Houghton, Janet R. Household furnishing in southern Vermont, 1780-1800. 1975.

Hummel, Charles F. The influence of English design books upon the Philadelphia cabinetmaker, 1760-1780. 1955.

Humphrey, Elizabeth. Moorish in the midwest : the Alhambra's influence on nineteenth-century American architecture. 2019.

Hunt, Katherine A. Beauty that endures: Egyptian revival in the 1920's. 2003.

Hunt, Katherine Conover. The White House furnishings of the Madison Administration, 1809-1817. 1971.

Hunter, Dard, Jr. David Evans, cabinetmaker: his life and work. 1954.

Hunter, Dard, Jr. A directory of the cabinetmakers and allied trades in Philadelphia to 1820. 1954.

Hurst, Neal Thomas. "For the heat is beyond your conception" : men's summer dress in the American south during the long eighteenth-century. 2015.

Hyder, Darrell. Fine printing in Philadelphia, 1780-1820. 1961.


  • Isaac, Amanda C.

An unlimited fancy : Ann Flower's sketchbook, 1753-1765. 2004.


  • Jackson, Christie D.

Linking land and sea: the design, decoration and use of space on transatlantic ocean liners. 2009.

Jacobs, Catherine Anne. Craft survival in the glass industry of southern New Jersey: the metal of tradition. 1992.

    • Jatcko, Sara A.

The love of research and the gift for new weavings: the work, collections, and legacy of Marguerite Porter Davison. 2007.

    • Jarrett, M. Michelle.

Uncertain blessings: pregnancy, birth, and early childcare in eighteenth century America. 1997.

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